This morning you wake up from troubled dreams and find yourself transformed into an avant guarde New York writer and performer. Your new hands rest limply on your effette intellectual frame as you look at yourself in the large mirror across the bed. The face of a young-ish Spalding Gray is looking back at you. You close your eyes attempting to wake yourself back in your usual form, but continue to reappear in what looks like a Gray Spalding of the 1980s or 1990s.
This is not a dream. You sigh deeply and look out the window. The weather has turned a muddy gray and you suddenly realize that you are not alone. An alien presence is hovering 15000 ft above your bedroom window, yet you feel its wisdom descend upon you inside the same room.
Your message tells you that the only way out of this nightmare is to live it through. You resign to being Gray and are now resolute to find a way back to yourself through Gray's life. Suddenly the phone rigs.
<p>[[PICK UP]]
<img src="" alt="gray">
It's ..... There is a part opposite Farrah Faucet they want you to play.
[[You fly to los angeles]]
[[call your realtor]]Double-click this passage to edit it.You have once again You ignore the benevolent alien and shut your eyes really hard, hoping once again that when you reopen them, you will return to your every-other-day self.
Your eyes open and you feel different, even more different now than when you first woke up this morning. You look at your hands and they are no longer limber. Your rists are more rigidly attached to your hand but your hands are smaller. Much smaller. You look at the mirror once again and you see a boy. An unishined version of....Spalding Gray.
Once again you feel the now less benevolent presence of the not so kind allien with a clear message.
- You have attempted to avoid your fate. You must now live through a day of
Things are getting worse.
[[break your leg for attention]]
[[Return to your room]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.